How To Make a Pivot Table

Example pivot table Example pivot table

Hyper Plan is a very quick and easy way to make a pivot table on Windows and Mac. Much easier than Excel!

Let’s look at a simple example. We have a spreadsheet with some sales data. We want to quickly find out how much each salesperson has sold and of which product.

Pivot table example

  1. Download the example .csv spreadsheet file.
  1. Start Hyper Plan. If you haven’t already got Hyper Plan installed, you can download a free trial here. It should only take you a minute to download and install.

  2. Select File>Open. Select the file type as CSV Files. Navigate to the .csv file and click Open. Select New to create a new plan file.

Open CSV file for pivot table

  1. Type a name for the new plan file (e.g. “sales”) and click Save.

  2. Set:

How to make a pivot table

The sales values are now shown totaled by product and salesperson. It’s that easy!

If you want to create a pivot table by product and territory you just need to change Arrange rows (Y) by to Territory.

Hyper Plan is very flexible. We have only scratched the surface of what it can do. Have a play! Here are some other things you might like to try:

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